
Thank you for your interest. Please see the “AXON” agricultural trailers and agricultural switchable accessories that we offer on the new platform. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. We look forward to your application.


The “Axon Mash” family


Axon Mash Ltd. is a manufacturer of tractor trailers, corn pickers, inter rows cultivators, grubbers, looseners, short disc harrows, “V” type disc harrows, springs hoes, compactors and cambridge rollers.

Company 1.

"Axon Mash" Ltd

Hungary – 1223 Budapest
Nagytétényi út 180 – 196

Factory – 6758 Röszke
Fő utca 193

ID number: 01-09-415471
Tax number: 27894482-2-43

Company 2.

"Axon Mash" Ltd

Serbia – 21000 Novi Sad
Nikola Pasica 24.

Factory – 24435 Mol
Djure Danicica 35.

ID number: 21328634
Tax number: 110273021

copyright 2024 Axon Mash